
Why Telegram taken top of App store in South Korea?

 A privacy protected messenger.
 What you feels this word if it heard?
 After injustice government power taken control of a small nation in somewhere in Asia, They are tried to make their power belongs to autocracy like back to 1970's. A daughter of dictator erected in cheating people by with immoral powers in years ago. And now, this idiot faced marionette in controlled by senescent apparition missing dictatorship.
 Injustice influences are always longing for taking control people to make them to slaves as known in human being's history. In the century of 21th, We are not blocked in borders and oceans. Most of governments are put on situation of open fired in the war of internet connection. So information bureaus of each different nations are trying spy people's activities in illegal act as we know in like movie. But right human powered organizations are fight for this illegal activities by the reliable law.
 But, think about this: If government and stringent law organ are samely ignoring people's right and doing illegal activities? Forces of autocracy are trying unlawful inspecting on popular messenger company? It's not a technical issue.

 300 people sunk in cold ocean in irresponsible government's correspondence. And they are evades responsibility one nation's duty of safe. Family of lost people are trying to know righteousness, why this disaster been happened, but this dictatorship's apparitions are never wanted it be spoiled the truth for people. So, they are being inspect peoples privacy with corrupted law forces.

 Telegram. This privacy protected, and it doesn't need have duty be inspected by tainted government of piece of Asia. So people demanded install this app to their smart phones even not cares difference of platforms like iOS and Android.
 By installing this light app, people can exchange their messages, locations, pictures and voices in protection of privacy. People just wanted keep their privacy safety from the illegal attack. So it is the result of people's demands to Telegram made in top of list in popular app of Google store.

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