
A new selfmade DICOM tag read and write engine.

A new DICOM tag read and write engine complete to testing.
this engine possible to load almost of DICOM files (without DICOM Dictionary.)
I have used to making all C++ codes in Code Blocks 10.05 and its code can compiles any compiler if can use std library. As I know, std library is a standard for C++, and we can use it using namespace : std. (actually compiler does attaching std:: class symbol at compile session)

I have named this engine to RageDCM.
It also contains almost of dental imaging DICOM tag dictionary information that using in field.
I don't know what I can do open this source codes for everyone.
(If I open this source code, it will be on my blog)

I can proudly introduce my rageDCM is "really compact and fast".
Hope I can open my rageDCM for everyone...

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