
A free MP4/AAC audio encoder/decoder , NAACESHL 1.8.9

A free MP4/AAC audio encoder/decoder , NAACESHL 1.8.9

- Modified automatic installation pacakage.
- Automatic Language Selection by OS.
- Can be choose language by /KR and /EN option.
- Fixed problem that progress bar seems something strange after drag and drop files and selected one file.
- Stop encoding not response problem fixed.
- Some components modified.
- Compatibles all 32bit Windows OS.
- new version of bass.dll and Nero Encoders .

Known bugs:
- RICHEDIT capacity error.This program is all free to use.Commercial using not allowed by Nero AAC encoder.
- Please visit my own homepage for downloading
- Location is http://myhome.bcpark.net/~rage/view.php?&bbs_id=dbmyworkpds&page=&doc_num=43

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